21 research outputs found


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    Optimasi pemanfaatan teknologi informasi (IT) dibutuhkan pelaku usaha untuk pemulihan ekonomi pasca pandemi COVID-19. Melalui kegiatan ini diberikan materi penggunaan tool berbasis IT untuk promosi dan pemasaran produk pempek pada media sosial seperti Instagram atau Facebook. Dengan penggunaan tool berbasis IT ini dapat menarik minat calon konsumen untuk membeli produk yang ditawarkan, yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan perekonomian pelaku usaha pempek di Kelurahan Talang Jambe. Berdasarkan feedback yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini dapat diketahui peserta dengan rentang usia 15-30 tahun adalah yang paling memahami, ingin menerapkan, dan berkeinginan untuk mencoba (sebanyak 100 persen) materi optimasi promosi dan pemasaran produk pempek yang telah disampaikan. Sedangkan peserta pada rentang usia 0-15 tahun dan diatas 30 tahun relatif moderat, dalam arti sebahagian memahami dan sebagian lainnya kurang memahami/tidak ingin menerapkan ilmu yang telah diperoleh dari kegiatan ini. Harapan penulis semoga kegiatan ini dapat berlanjut dimasa mendatang, dan dapat diikuti oleh peserta dengan jumlah yang lebih banyak sehingga proses pemulihan ekonomi pasca pancemi COVID-19 dapat dilakukan lebih cepat

    A Brief Comparison of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Firefly Algorithm

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    In this article, we try to present some optimization algorithms that are often used by researchers. Through the information contained in this article, the reader can know and understand the development and mechanism of optimization algorithms. The algorithms presented in this article include particle swarm optimization algorithm and firefly algorithm. We chose the swarm particles optimization algorithm and the firefly algorithm to discuss because both of these algorithms are widely used for various optimization problems. Both algorithms, particle optimization algorithms as well as the newer firefly algorithms, are well known today among researchers Furthermore, after knowing the mechanism and the difference of each optimization algorithm, it is expected the reader can choose the algorithm to be used as needed

    The Design a System of Retention and Control on Broiler Farms Based on the Flow of Data

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    In this study, we tried to design a system of retention and control on broiler farms in Prabumulih based on the data flow between processes, external entity and data storage. The purpose of this study was to find the best design that can be immediately implemented in the form of information systems. The design submitted is expected to accelerate the process that occurs between entities connected. Minimizing the possibility of error, which in turn can increase the production of broiler when the harvest is done.


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    Perkembangan dibidang teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan membuat organisasi harus semakin peka dalam peningkatan kualitas sumber daya yang dimilikinya. Oleh karena itu untuk menyikapi fenomena tersebut perlu adanya tindaklanjut dari organisasi sebagai upaya agar kemampuan yang dimiliki karyawannya tidak statis akan tetapi berkembang secara dinamis. Salah satunya yaitu dengan adanya Pengenalan teknologi berbasis web untuk mendukung usaha penjualan tanah kavlingan di Kelurahan Muara Dua Kota Prabumulih. Kegiatan pelatihan ini menjelaskan tentang manfaat penggunaan teknologi berbasis Web untuk mendukung usaha penjualan tanah kavlingan. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pemahaman kepada para pekerja pada usaha penjualan tanah kavlingan di Kelurahan Muara Dua Kota Prabumulih tentang penggunaan teknologi berbasis web untuk meningkatkan penjualan tanah kavlingan di Kelurahan Muara Dua Kota Prabumulih.Kata kunci: Teknologi, web, penjualan, tanah kavlinga

    Ddos Attack Detection Simulation and Handling Mechanism

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    In this study we discuss how to handle DDoS attack that coming from the attacker by using detection method and handling mechanism. Detection perform by comparing number of packets and number of flow. Whereas handling mechanism perform by limiting or drop the packets that detected as a DDoS attack. The study begins with simulation on real network, which aims to get the real traffic data. Then, dump traffic data obtained from the simulation used for detection method on our prototype system called DASHM (DDoS Attack Simulation and Handling Mechanism). From the result of experiment that has been conducted, the proposed method successfully detect DDoS attack and handle the incoming packet sent by attacker


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    Exploration web is the means used to obtain information on a web page specifically related to security issues. In this research, exploratory simulation tool W3AF danWebGoat.W3AF web use is short for Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. The objective of this application is as a framework to find the weakness of web applications. While Web Goat is a web page that is targeted for exploration on the environment localhost. Simulation gives positive results of various web pages of information targeted exploration. Among the security loopholes that can be used as roads by the cracker to commit an illegal act. Alternative solutions provided in order to close the security gap, so as to minimize the risk r a crime that may occur.Key words : web exploration, W3AF, webgoa

    A gamification framework for research productivity enhancement on the higher education institution

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    The condition of research productivity in higher education institutions in Indonesia is still not ideal. Departing from this problem, this paper aims to contribute in the form of a framework used as the main alternative in optimizing research productivity, including the number of publications in higher education institutions. The mechanism proposed is a framework that uses designs derived from games or better known as gamification. Based on the preliminary testing of the proposed framework, it shows that each construct of the framework has a positive impact on research productivity enhancement as the final goal. One of the constructs is Network has a positive impact of 0.415 on Behavior, the Behavior has a positive impact of 0.403 on research productivity enhancement. This also applies to other constructs. Except for the Points that donot have good reliability, it will become homework in future studies


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    Perkembangan dibidang teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan membuat sektor usah harus semakin peka dalam peningkatan kualitas sumber daya yang dimilikinya. Oleh karena itu untuk menyikapi fenomena tersebut perlu adanya tindak lanjut dari perusahaan sebagai upaya agar kemampuan yang dimiliki karyawannya tidak statis akan tetapi berkembang secara dinamis. Salah satunya dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi berupa aplikasi berbasis web. Langkah awal pemanfaatan teknologi informasi ini bisa dimulai denganpemberian pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi kepada para karyawan suatu perusahaan. Adapun yang menjadi tempat pelatihan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah sektor usaha kecil dan menengah yaitu perusahaan air bersih di Kelurahan Muara Dua Kota Prabumulih.Kegiatan pelatihan ini menjelaskan tentang manfaat penggunaan aplikasi pengolahan data berbasis web pada bidang usaha air bersih. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pemahaman kepada para pekerja pada usaha air bersih di Kelurahan Muara Dua Kota Prabumulih tentang pemanfaatanaplikasi pengolahan data berbasis web untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi pengolahan air bersih.Berdasarkan pelatihan yang telah dilakukan, para pekerja sangat antusias dan tertarik untuk segera memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. Kata kunci: Pemanfaatan, Teknologi Informasi, Sektor Usah


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    In this study, we tried to propose a method to assess the success of the harvest broiler using internal factors found on farms in Prabumulih. To be able to measure the success rate of harvest broiler, we use the Performance Index (PI) as a parameter. By looking at the results of measuring the degree of success of the crop expected broiler breeder who owns the farm, especially in Prabumulih, can better utilize and maximize the potential that can increase crop yields. After going through a testing phase, the percentage of harvest success rate reached 90% when the results of calculation of the value of PI reached the high category. This proves that by looking at the value of PI, farmers, especially in the farm group in Prabumulih can predict the success rate of harvest in a period. By calculating the value of PI and learn all variables breeders can develop appropriate measures to avoid the occurrence of crop failure. With reference to the value of PI, farmers can also make better planning in preparing the development of broiler chickens for the next period.Key words :success rate, Performance Index, Broile

    DDoS Attacks Detection Method Using Feature Importance and Support Vector Machine

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    In this study, the author wants to prove the combination of feature importance and support vector machine relevant to detecting distributed denial-of-service attacks. A distributed denial-of-service attack is a very dangerous type of attack because it causes enormous losses to the victim server. The study begins with determining network traffic features, followed by collecting datasets. The author uses 1000 randomly selected network traffic datasets for the purposes of feature selection and modeling. In the next stage, feature importance is used to select relevant features as modeling inputs based on support vector machine algorithms. The modeling results were evaluated using a confusion matrix table. Based on the evaluation using the confusion matrix, the score for the recall is 93 percent, precision is 95 percent, and accuracy is 92 percent. The author also compares the proposed method to several other methods. The comparison results show the performance of the proposed method is at a fairly good level in detecting distributed denial-of-service attacks. We realized this result was influenced by many factors, so further studies are needed in the future